Colchester Papers

The Case for Local Currency Emerging Market Debt

Local Currency EM government debt has been through a number of distinct cycles since the early 2000’s when these markets became more liquid, widely traded, and began to be seen as viable investment destinations. After facing a number of headwinds, we believe that the asset class is now well placed to benefit from a sustained upswing. Further US dollar weakness, relatively high and attractive real yields, sound macroeconomic management, and declining inflation across the major economies within the asset class suggest that it is about to undergo a sustained period of strong performance.
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The Merits of Emerging Market Sovereign Bonds – Comparing Hard and Local Currency Debt

All investors, to varying degrees, need to balance and trade off three objectives, namely safety, liquidity and return. Their particular circumstances, objectives and risk tolerance will each play a key role in the asset allocation decision of where to invest. In this paper we focus solely on Emerging Market government debt and consider the characteristics and valuations of both the local currency and hard currency segments of this asset class; looking at where opportunities may be sought in the future.
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Colchester Sovereign Engagement Framework

Responsible Investing is, and has been since the inception of Colchester, a fundamental part of our investment process. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) factors are incorporated along with macro-economic and financial analysis within our investment valuation framework. Please find attached for your interest our ‘Sovereign Engagement Framework’ which explains how we integrate engagement holistically into our investment process. We believe that enhanced and clear policies can improve a country’s business environment, which in turn reduces country investment risk, funding costs, supports economic growth and should ensure more sustainable debt paths.
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ESG Engagement For Sovereign Debt Investors

This report has been written with the contribution of the PRI’s Sovereign Debt Advisory Committee (SDAC) of which Claudia Gollmeier, Colchester’s Senior Investment Officer, is the Chair. It aims to provide insights on how sovereign engagement is conducted and where the industry can extend this custom to advance responsible investing.
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L’Obsolescence des Obligations d’État a été largement exagérée

La pandémie mondiale de 2020 a exacerbé bon nombre de tendances devenues apparentes depuis quelques années: le déclin des taux d’intérêt vers la zone négative sur les marchés développés, l’augmentation des ratios de dette publique par rapport au PIB ainsi que la croissance des bilans des banques centrales (en grande partie due aux achats d’obligations d’État). Avec un niveau de rendement actuellement inférieur à 1% sur la grande majorité de la dette publique des marchés développés, ainsi que des rendements négatifs qui prévalent sur une majorité de ces marchés, les investisseurs se demandent naturellement si les obligations d’État ont encore la capacité d’amortir les chocs sur les marchés boursiers et si les taux peuvent tomber encore plus bas. Cet article débat de la qualité défensive qui caractérise la classe d’actifs des bons du trésor.
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Les valorisations attrayantes de la dette émergente en devise locale à la suite de la pandémique du Covid-19 sont-elles justifiées ?

Colchester offre ses perspectives sur la dette émergente en devise locale dans le contexte de la crise engendrée par la pandémique du Covid-19.
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Scope Analysis
Green Bonds – Assets Under Management more than double in one year

“The rising popularity and issuance activity of green bonds is leading to significant growth in green bond funds – both in terms of the number of funds and the assets under management. A total of four new Green Bond funds have been launched this year. These are products of the asset managers Franklin Templeton, Colchester Global Investors, Degroof Petercam and Lyxor. Here, Scope Analysis discusses the current Green Bond Fund market and outlook.”
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A practical guide to ESG Integration in Sovereign Debt

Claudia Gollmeier, Colchester Senior Investment Officer and as Chair of the PRI Sovereign Working Group, has contributed to this paper and it's case studies; specifically the foreword on page 7, plus pages 22, 29 and 49.
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Colchester – Global Bond Investing in an Era of Negative Interest Rates

Navigating the prevalent negative bond yielding environment is leaving investors perplexed. This article addresses the misconception that positive returns cannot be delivered from government bonds with negative nominal yields and looks at the opportunities available across global sovereign markets.
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Emerging Market Local Currency Sovereign Debt

Colchester provide an introduction to the emerging market local currency debt asset class, discuss the merits of this investment choice and how Colchester manage their client's portfolios in this space.

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Emerging Markets – Resilient External Balance Sheets Support Attractive Currency Valuations

This is an opportune moment to take a step back and reassess valuations and financial stability in the local currency emerging market debt universe.

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Sovereign Credit Risk Case Study

Colchester’s case study on sovereign credit risk written by Claudia Gollmeier (pg 78-81) and published by the PRI as part of their paper ‘Shifting Perceptions: ESG, Credit Risk and Ratings. Part 3. From Disconnects to Action Areas.’

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Integration of ESG Factors into Sovereign Bonds: A Case Study of Russia

Colchester’s contribution written by Claudia Gollmeier (pg 132-140) for the CFA Institute’s ‘Guidance and Case Studies for ESG Integration: Equities and Fixed Income’.

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Emerging Markets
How Vulnerable are Emerging Markets to Rising Interest Rates?

Colchester’s investment team analyse debt levels in emerging markets in light of recent rises in global interest rates; and assess how vulnerable they really are in the event of further or more rapid rates rises.

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Environmental Social and Governance – Colchester Global Investors Responsible Investment
Environmental Social and Governance – Colchester Global Investors Responsible Investment

Responsible investing is, and has been since the inception of the company in 1999, integral to the investment process employed by Colchester. Colchester which has the primary...

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Global and Emerging Market Inflation Linked Bonds
Global and Emerging Market Inflation Linked Bonds

Colchester’s investment team analyse the evolution of the Inflation Linked Bond market, how and why they are utilised in portfolios, and what Colchester’s investment approach is for this sector of the market.

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Prospective Real Yields and Active Global Bond Management
Prospective Real Yields and Active Global Bond Management

The prospective real-yield approach, based on purchasing power parity concept, appears to have real-world application, with a minimal need for forecasting. Only inflation can be forecast. Both perfect foresight and lagged...

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